
Look Good! Feel Good! Save!

Monday, January 31, 2011

New Years Resolutions

It's January 31, 2011...we are one month into a new year.  A year loaded with new opportunities.  Essentially that is what this blog will be about.

Entering into 2011 I made two New Years Resolutions.  The first was to attend church on a very regular basis (I decided I could miss at the most once per month for being out of town, being sick, etc.)  The second is to loose some weight, get healthier, and all around be a better me!  I have been flawless on my first Resolution, as I have made it to church every Sunday in January, even when I was a bit ill.  The second has not gone so well.

We are going to focus much of my blogging on my second resolution.  I would love to share my triumphs with you, once I have them.

So now I invite you to join my blog.  Be part of my journey.  I will share my experiences; the good and bad.  I will share my knowledge.  By doing this blog I will now be held accountable for everything I do.  And now I ask you to make me be held accountable.  Please tell me your successes, as they will inspire me with mine.

This will be a long journey.  I want to loose a large amount of weight.  I want to live with no pain.  I want to be healthy.  I want to have children.  I want to be able to run a marathon.  I want to help others!


  1. Those are great goals! And very obtainable! Best of luck to you and let me know how I can help you in any way!

  2. I agree...great goals. We have a facebook group set up just for these same reasons. Anyone who would like some friendly support, tips, challenges, workout suggestions etc, please let me know and I will send you an invite.

  3. It was so nice to see you on Saturday. I was totally serious about walks together or whatever. Take care and enjoy the snow.
